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Choose the answer that best represents the action that is more meaningful to you. Even if you enjoy them both, try to pick the one that means the most.
I receive a loving note/text/email for no special reason from my loved one.
We hug.
I can spend alone time with them - just the two of us.
My loved one does something practical to help me out.
My loved one gives me a little gift as a token of our love for each other.
I get to spend uninterrupted leisure time with them.
My loved one unexpectedly does something for me like filling my car or doing the laundry.
We touch.
My loved one surprises me with a gift.
My loved one puts their arm around me when we're in public.
I'm around them, even if we're not really doing anything.
We hold hands.
I hear "I love you" from them.
My loved one gives me a gift.
I am complimented by them for no apparent reason.
I sit close to them.
I unexpectedly get small gifts from them.
I get the chance to just "hang out" with them.
My loved one helps me with a task.
I hear them tell me, "I'm proud of you."
I get to do things with them.
I hear supportive words from them.
My loved one does things for me instead of just talking about doing nice things.
I feel connected to them through a hug.
My loved one gives me something that shows they were really thinking about me.
I hear praise from them.
I get a back rub or massage from them.
I'm able to just be around them.
My loved one reacts positively to something I've accomplished.
My loved one does something for me that I know they don't particularly enjoy.
We kiss frequently.
I sense they are showing interest in the things I care about.
My loved one works on special projects with me that I have to complete.
My loved one gives me an exciting gift.
My loved one takes the time to listen to me and really understand my feelings.
My loved one compliments me on my appearance.
We share nonsexual touch in public.
My loved one offers to run errands for me.
I get a gift that I know they put thought into choosing.
My loved one does a bit more than their normal share of the responsibilities we share (around the house, work-related, etc.).
My loved one doesn't check their phone while we're talking.
My loved one goes out of their way to do something that relieves pressure on me.
I hear the words "I appreciate you" from them.
I can look forward to a holiday because of a gift I anticipate receiving.
My loved one brings me a little gift after they have been traveling without me.
My loved one takes care of something I'm responsible to do but I feel too stressed to do at the time.
My loved one doesn't interrupt me while I'm talking.
Gift giving is an important part of our relationship.
I get to go somewhere while spending time with them.
My loved one helps me out when they know I'm already tired.
My loved one gives me a little gift that they picked up in the course of their normal day.
We are physically intimate
My loved one says something encouraging to me.
I get to spend time in a shared activity or hobby with them.
My loved one surprises me with a small token of their appreciation.
We touch a lot during the normal course of the day.
I hear them specifically tell me, "I appreciate you."
My loved one helps me out - especially if I know they're already busy.
We embrace after we've been apart for a while.
I hear them say how much I mean to them.